2.1 basis of preparation (Continued)<br>Integrated benchmark (Continued)<br>All parts of the profit and loss and other comprehensive income are attributable to the owner's and non controlling shareholders' equity of the company, even if there is a loss balance in the non controlling shareholders' equity. All assets and liabilities, equity, income, expenses between companies in the group and cash flows related to transactions among members of the group are written off at consolidated time.<br>If facts and circumstances show that one or more of the three elements of control have changed, the group will reassess whether it has control over the investee. Changes in ownership interests of subsidiaries (without loss of control) are recorded as equity transactions.<br>If the group loses control of a subsidiary, it derecognises (I) the assets (including goodwill) and liabilities of the subsidiary, (II) the carrying amount of any non controlling shareholder's equity and (III) the accumulated translation difference recorded in equity; and recognizes (I) the fair value of the consideration received, (II) the fair value of any investment retained and (III) any resulting surplus or loss in profit or loss. The share of the group previously recognized in other comprehensive income is reclassified as profit or loss or retained profit, as applicable, on the same basis as the relevant assets or liabilities that the group has directly sold.<br>